Establishment of new Technology Centres (20) / Extension Centres (100)

Status setting up of 20 Technology Centres (TCs) and 100 Extension Centres (ECs) under the scheme, “Establishment of new Technology Centres /Extension Centres”
Updated on : 31.01.2025

Government of India has approved a scheme, “Establishment of New Technology Centres/ Extension Centres” for establishing 20 Technology Centres (TCs) and 100 Extension Centres (ECs) under “Hub and Spoke” model.

The scheme was approved by Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on 01.11.2018. On 07.07.2022 the duration of the scheme was extended up to March 2026 (co terminus with XV Finance Commission) at a current budgeted outlay of Rs. 3500 Cr.

Through this scheme, 20 Technology Centres (TCs) and 100 Extension Centres (ECs) are to be established across the country increasing geographic reach of TCs network to provide solution as per local needs of MSMEs for technology, skilled human resources, and advisory services.

Land for Technology Centres at identified locations are to be provided by State Governments on long term lease basis free of cost, whereas Extension Centresare to be accommodated in buildings available with State Government/ MSME-DIs/ TCs / Government ITIs/ Govt. Polytechnics and other similar facilities.

As per CCEA approval, the Technology Centresare to be established in PPP mode first, failing which they will be established in Autonomous mode.

A. Status of Extension Centre (ECs)
  • i) 49 locations for ECs have been approvedby the Hon’ble Minister, MSME
  • ii) Out of these 49 locations of ECs, Detailed Project Report (DPR) of 26 ECs have been approved and 25 ECs have become operational.
  • iii) Till 31st January, 2025, 25 Extension Centres have trained 84,025 trainees and assisted 1676 units.
B. Status of Technology Centres (TCs)
  • i) 20 locations for establishment of Technology Centres (TCs)have been approved by Hon’ble Minister, MSME.
  • ii) Out of the 20 locations approved for establishment of Technology Centres on PPP mode, land at 14 sites has been transferred to this office by respective State Governments. Transfer of land at remaining 06 locations is under process.
  • iii) Following guidelines by Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance for PPP projects, the documents for 13 proposed TCs have been approved by competent authority. Accordingly, the bidding documents have been uploaded on CPPP portal for inviting bids from private players.