Updated on : 31.03.2021
Status setting up of 20 Technology Centres (TCs) and 100 Extension Centres (ECs) under the
scheme, ”Establishment of new Technology Centres /Extension Centres”
A new Scheme namely, “Establishment of new Technology Centres /Extension Centres”, for establishment of 20 new Technology Centres (TCs) as “Hub” and 100 Extension Centres (ECs) as “Spoke” throughout the country at a projected cost of Rs. 6000 crore has been approved by the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) on 01.11.2018.
A. Status of Extension Centres (ECs)
- i) 35 locations for ECs have been approved.
- ii) Out of these 35 locations of ECs , Detailed Project Report (DPR) of 22 ECs have been approved
- iii) During FY 2019-20, Rs 128 crore Grant in Aid was released to Technology Centres (Hubs) for these 22 Extension Centre (Spokes). Further, Rs 48.4697 Crore have been released up to 31.03.2021 for 10 of these ECs as second installment of the project cost during the current year, 2020-21.
- iv) 14 Extension Centers have started training.
- v) In the month of February, 2021, 13 Extension Centers have trained 1515 trainees.
B. Status of Technology Centres (TCs)
- i) Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC) had approved operation of the scheme with 13 conditions, including revised cost to be worked out for TCs and exploring setting up the TCs under Public-Private Partnership.
- ii) Meanwhile, 12 locations have been approved for setting up of new TCs and land for 7 locations has been finalized. Land at three sites is in possession and land at 4 locations is in the process of transfer.
- iii) ‘PPP Policy Framework’ has been approved for setting up of TCs/ECs. An apex level ‘MSME-PPP Committee’ constituted on 19.02.21.First meeting of the Committee held on 19.03.21